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Yes - We are Pittsburgh!

The pain is overwhelming

It feels like a bad dream

Will we wake up and discover the events of this past Shabbat (weekend) didn’t really happen?

Our heads are swimming with more questions than answers..

Has the American dream of safety for Jews finally been shattered?

Our Rabbi’s, leaders and mentors are ready with support and hope..

They tell us to add light, do kindness, do more good deeds..

They say it’s a great answer to the pain we are facing today

But it seems so much more like a giant cliché..

How does one little candle, one small good deed, eradicate the evil and help overcome this pervasive feeling of doom?

Its big dark world out there.. How can my little act of Kindness make a difference??

Instead of thinking it about it like that..

Think about it this way …

We are trying to focus on acts of goodness; in order to deprive the darkness out of room to operate.


As a young boy, my father took me to my first Steeler football game at Three River Stadium.

While the Steelers won the game 10-6, I found it boring, there were barely any points scored and there were certainly no giant flashy deep passes thrown.

You see the Steelers had discovered something brilliant

The best defense (the steel curtain) is the one that sits on the sidelines all game. Hang onto the ball.. Take your time moving up the field, a few yards at a time.

Keep making positive progress and you give the opponent no room to operate.

They ran the ball, play after play and while everyone in the stadium knew they were going to run, as it was no surprise, The Steelers didn’t care, because they knew, they didn’t have to worry or stress about shutting down the opponents offense as long as they kept possession of the ball for most of the game.


See the difference?

No, we can’t eradicate evil from the world Nor are we trying too,

but we can starve it of its needed oxygen

Just do one more good deed every day,

For every act we create of light, means one less spot on this universe that can be inhabited by the force of darkness. We are going to fill our days with positive,

Share our inner joy and meaning with our circle of influence around us..

We know that we will overcome all the challenges we face today..

Because we are Pittsburgh

We know that the secret to the greatest defense is a relentless offence.

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