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Singing in the Rain

Sukkos is a happy festive holiday.

Zman Simchatainu.

A Joyful Time.

Live in the Sukkah and you will feel the Joy.

So we're told.

Try having it rain every day. For a week straight.

Come to the sukkah to find the decorations and paper goods ruined. Streams of purple giving a new artistic look to the gorgeous white table cloth.

Try sitting in a chair that you thought was dry, turns out you might as well be sitting in a bathtub. “Pass the Soap …. I mean the Soup”.

The kids may have way more than just 4 questions… more like 4 complaints..

Cold. Wet. Uncomfortable. Their artful decorations ruined.

Why can’t we just go inside?

I was struggling for the words to explain to my kids...then it turned out, I didn't have to.

They explained it to me!

"Dad, it’s just like the football game we went to this year!”

This past winter my kids and I trekked out in Sub Zero weather for a Panther football game one snowy Thursday night at Heinz Field.

30k other people were just as crazy.

They braved the elements because they wanted to experience the thrilling excitement of overcoming a challenge.

The 3rd Quarter came to a close and the whole stadium got up to sing and while I was frozen to my seat, my kids jumped up on top of their seats and were ecstatic. They sang together with all the faithful fans and hoped to will their team on to victory.

Sukkot teaches us to find joy in everyday life.

Go outside when it’s cold, dreary and rainy.

And even then you can find joy.

You can find security and trust in G-d.

Sukkot teaches us how to find JOY in TODAY.

So Get outside with all your fellow fans, sing and eat in the rain and cold.

Sing us all to victory.

My kids jumped up on our Sukkah chairs..

We sang happy songs...

It rained and poured....

But we all smiled and felt proud, that no matter what challenge we may ever face in the coming year, we all know that when we get together and be joyous - we can overcome it.

Because in the house or outside, in G-d we trust.

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